© Koa
The world belongs to our children and future generations. We are committed to building a sustainable future with them and for them, listening to their expectations.
Through our responsible investment approach, we look to the future by establishing solid partnerships, enabling the emergence of new models that respect the planet and everyone on it.
« We invest for tomorrow, providing new and sustainable perspectives to future generations. »
Thinking and acting
We invest in innovation to support the transition to a new, sustainable, and positive economy for future generations. With our teams and partners, our constructive energies are built around strong values and convictions.
Making trust
the engine of change
We love new ideas as much as those who champion them. We commit our experience, time, and resources to build trust in them, so their projects are successful engines of change.
Use capital as
a force for good
We invest in projects that have the potential to create economic, societal, and environmental value. Our actions aim to improve our ecosystems to maximise the benefit for society.
Support alternative solutions to do better with less
We are looking for scalable new ways to put in place a circular economy, new modes of food production, the acceleration of the energy transition and the necessary preservation of our resources.
Invest with conviction
for the long term
We understand that change takes time and, as a partner of choice, we stand alongside those who act with conviction for the long term. We share their ambitions and support them with the desire to mature together.

More than assets, we seek to pass on our family values to future generations and offer them sustainable prospects that will allow them to flourish fully.
We are loyal, dependable, and fair in our actions and decisions
We act with empathy, curiosity, and kindness to succeed collectively
We make informed decisions, remaining sensible and humble towards our responsibilities and commitments
We love what we do: we make our choices seriously, without taking ourselves too seriously

Our primary resources are the men and women who make up HALTRA and our family of businesses. Through their commitment, they help perpetuate our family values and our disruptive approach by thinking and acting differently.

& Operations

& Communities